Invest in Lviv Region

Property complex (Shklo)


Location: urban-type village Shklo, Yavoriv District, Lviv Region

Name: Integral property complex "Propet”

Land Area: 1.1736 ha

Floor Area: Total area - 7991.6 m2

Information about the area

General Information

Object name

property complex




urban-type village Shklo

Area of available land, ha

1,1736 ha 


LLC "Propet", Poland

Estimated cost

by agreement

Terms of use

sale / lease

Land Description

Intended purpose

industrial zone 

Proposed intended use

industrial production

Proximity to residential areas

in the city

Overground obstacles


Underground obstacles


Altitude drop


Buildings and constructions

Buildings and other constructions on the land

Warehouses - 2842.03 m2

Production area - 4572.4 m2

Administrative buildings - 577.12 m2

Area, type and condition of buildings

Total area of the oblect is 7991.6 m2

Production area - 4572.4 m2

Warehouses - 2842.03 m(possible usage for production area)

Administrative area - 577.12 m

Condition - goodWalls - concrete and brick

Roofing - prefabricated ferro-concrete slabs and antiaircraft lanterns partly. 

  Floors in manufacturing area - concrete ground of improved quality,

administrative area - hardwood, linoleum tiles. The area is fenced, 

a private race to the territory is available.

Height of industrial premises - 4.5 m, 8 m, Warehouse - 4.5 meters,

Administrative buildings - 4.5 m


Water (availability, options)

UС "Yavorivvoda'', 100 m3/month

Sewerage (availability, options)


Gas supply (availability, options)

                    0.5 km

Electricity (availability, options)

2 transformers аvailable  (1000 kW, 1000+600 kW)

Object accessibility

Access roads (rail, road)

road junction

Distance to the nearest international airport 

Lviv – 30 min (40 km)

Distance to the nearest border crossing point

Krakovets - Kortchova, 40 km

The nearest national or international highways, distance

Kyiv - Chop, M-10

The nearest railway station, distance

Shklo - Starzhyska, 1 km


Other important information or restrictions

No restrictions


Contact Information

тел.: +380 32 264-16-17
факс: :+380 32 264-13-03
сайт: :