Zhovkva district
Administrative division

Administrative centre – Zhovkva city
165 settlements, including:
3 cities
160 villages
2 urban-type villages
3 city council
2 councils of urban-type villages
40 village councils
The total population is 109.497 people
Men - 53.225 th. people.
Women - 56.272 th. people.
Population density 84 ppl/km2
Structure of the district industry:
- food processing industry
- light industry
- woodworking
- pulp and paper production, printing
- engineering
- metallurgy
- metalwork
- manufacturing of other non-metallic products
There are functioning such educational institutions:
- Agricultural Academy in Dubliany
- Rava-Ruska vocational college
- Rava-Ruska boarding school
- Monastyrok neuropsychiatric boarding school
- 76 secondary schools
- 39 pre-schools
- "Children's School of Art" - center of artistic and aesthetic creativity of youth
- Schools of Art in Zhovkva, Rava-Ruska and Dubliany cities.
Natural resource potential
Torism and recreation
The total area of the district - 129.4 ha
Land resources
Agricultural grounds - 86.6 ha, of which agricultural lands - 84.7 hectares, the other agricultural lands - 1.9 hectares,
Built-up lands - 5.4 hectares, and others.
Water resources - 2.9 hectares
Forests - 32.6 ha (23.4%)
lignite, pottery clay, sand, limestone, peat, mineral waters
There are such architectural sites on theterritory of the district:
- 27 archaeological sites
- 49 architectural monuments
- 82 historical monuments
- Ensemble of the Dominican church and monastery in baroque style (1653)
- Parochial Church of St. Laurentius "Fara" (1606)
- Zhovkva Castle (1594-1606)
- Synagogue in Renaissance style (1692-1700)
- Wooden Church of Saint Trinity (1702)
The average salary per month
The main indicators of economic development

In the district – 2082 UAH
- According to economic sectors:
- Industry - 2500 UAH
- Agriculture - 1312 UAH
- Transport - 1400 UAH
- Trade, food service, logistics, sales - 1500 UAH
- Utilities, non-productive types of consumer services - 1700 UAH
- Health, physical education, social security - 1450 UAH
- Education - 1730 UAH
- Culture and Art - 1240 UAH
- Finance, credit, insurance - 1350 UAH
Total amount of industrial production - 412.7 million UAH
Gross agricultural production - 644.3 million UAH, including:
Crop production - 428.6 million UAH
Livestock products – 215. 7 million UAH
Investments in fixed assets - 239.5 million UAH
Retail sales - 585.8 million UAH
Food service - 5.7 million UAH
The amount of paid services provided to the population - 162,9 million UAH
Land tax rates:
Maximum - 1.14 UAH/m2
Average - 0.62 UAH/m2
Minimum - 0.10 UAH/m2
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