Peremyshlyany District
Administrative division

Administrative centre - Peremyshlyany city
89 settlements, including:
2 cities (Peremyshlyany, Bibrka)
87 villages
2 city councils
27 village councils
The total population of the district is 39.8 th.people,
urban population – 10.7 th.people
rural population – 29.1 th.people
Men – 18.436 th. people
Women – 21.364 th. people
Population density - 43,35 people/km2

Industry specialization of the district:
- manufacture of machinery
- manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products
- manufacture of furniture
In the district are functioning such educational institutions:
59 secondary schools
32 pre-schools
1 center of artistic and aesthetic creativity of youth
Peremyshlyany vocational lyceum provides technical education
Natural resource potential
Tourism and recreation
Total area of the district - 91,794 ha
Land resources
Agricultural land - 58,986 ha, of which agricultural grounds – 57,664 ha, other agricultural lands – 1,322 ha
Built-up land - 2,744 ha
Water resources – 0,9 ha
- Forests – 28,4 ha
- molding sand, glass sand
- clay
- peat
- limestones
- household stone
- open mineral water sources ( Ivanivka and Korelychi villages)
In the district are located:
Univ Holy Dormition Lavra (XIV cent.)
- Svirzh Castle
The average salary per month
The main indicators of economic development

In the district - 2462 UAH
According to the types of economic activities:
- Industry – 2450 UAH
- Agriculture – 1885 UAH
- Transport – 2530 UAH
- Trade, catering industry, logistics, sales – 1600 UAH
- Housing and utilities, non-productive types of consumer services - 2250 UAH
- Health care, physical education, social security – 1810 UAH
- Education – 2480 UAH
- Culture and Arts – 2100 UAH
- Finance, credit, insurance – 2540 UAH
Volume of industrial production - 72.3 million UAH
Gross agricultural production - 366.4 million UAH, including:
- Crop products - 185.2 million UAH
- Livestock products - 181.2 million UAH
Investments in fixed assets - 72.1 million UAH
Retail sales - 82.2 million UAH
Food service - 1.2 million UAH
Volume of paid services provided to the population - 9.6 million UAH
Land tax rates
1% of monetary valuation
of the relevant land
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