Моstyska district
Administrative division

Administrative centre – Mostyska city
112 settlements, including:
2 cities (Mostyska, Sudova Vyshnia)
110 villages
2 city councils
31 village councils
The total population is 57.45 thousand people including:
urban population – 27.22 thousand people
rural population – 30.23 thousand people
Population density - 68 ppl/km2

Structure of the district industry
food industry;
- woodprocessing and woodproducts manufacturing,except furniture;
- non-metallic mineral products manufacturing (building materials)
- ready-made metal products sales
There are functioning such educational institutions:
55 secondary schools
- 5 preschools
- Sudova Vyshnia vocational school provides technical education
Natural resource potential
Tourism and recreation
The total area of the district – 84.534 ha
Land resources:
- Agricultural lands - 62.562 ha, of which agricultural grounds - 61.344 ha, other agricultural lands - 1,216 hectares,
- Built-up lansd - 3.788 hectares, and others.
- Water resources - 1,037 ha
- Forests - 16.797 ha
- sand
- clay
- turf
- natural gas
- geothermal waters
Fortifications since I World War are preserved in Popovychi village
The average salary per month
The main indicators of economic development

In the district – 2034.34 UAH
Industry - 1847.25 UAH
Agriculture - 931.75 UAH
Transport - 2026.75 UAH
Trade, catering, logistics, sales - 2090.90 UAH
Housing and utilities, non-productive types of consumer services - 1565.50 UAH
Health, Physical Education, Socil security - 1890.67 UAH
Education - 2352.12 UAH
Culture and Arts - 1982.36 UAH
Finance, credit, insurance - 2968.40 UAH
The total amount of industrial production – 46.3 million UAH
Gross agricultural production – 340.5 million UAH, including:
Crop production – 215.9 million UAH
Livestock products – 124.6 million UAH
Investments in fixed assets – 44.3 million UAH
Retail sales – 297.5 million UAH
Public catering – 3.7 million UAH
The volume of paid services provided to the population – 21.4 million UAH
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