Horodok district
Administrative division

Administrative centre – Horodok city
80 settlements, including:
2 cities (Horodok, Komarno)
1 urban-type village
77 village
2 city councils
1 council of urban-type village
29 village councils
Total number of population is 69,2 th. people, of which:
Urban population - 24,4 th.people
Rural population - 44,8 th.people
Number of working population - 10,1 th.people
Men – 31,0 th.people,
Women – 38,2 th.people.
Population density - 95,5 ppl/km2
Several successfully operating industrial enterprises are operating on the territory of the district. They have well developed production lines of concentrated fruit and berry juice , syrups; polyethylene tubes, haberdashery products of leather and other materials, hollow ceramic bricks and blocks, road signs (technical means of road traffic) and others.
In the district there are functioning 52 secondary schools, including:
- 7 secondary schools of І level of accreditation,
- 22 secondary schools І-ІІ levels of accreditation,
- 16 secondary schools І-ІІІ levels of accrediation,
- 7 educational complex (7168 pupils)
16 pre-schools (1310 children)
Natural resource potential
Tourism and recreation
Total area of the district territory - 72,555 th. ha (3,33% of the oblast)
Land resources
Agricultural lands - 56,399 th.ha, including : agriculural grounds - 55,267 th.ha, the other agricultural lands – 1,132 th.ha
Built-up lands - 3,014 th.ha
Forests -9,449 th.ha
Water resources - 2,726 th.ha
- limestone (Velykyi Liubin)
- clay pit (Rodatychi and Halychany villages)
- natural gas deposit
Architectural sites
- Cathedral of the Holy Chrestus Exaltation( XV-XVIII cent.)
- Franciscan Cathedral (1419).
- Monastic cells (1419)
- Cathedral of St. Dorota (1600)
- Balneological resort “Velykyi Liubin”
The average salary per month
The main indicators of the economic development
(І half-year 2013)

In the district - 2411 UAH
According to the economic spheres:
- industry – 2155 UAH
- agriculture – 1358 UAH
- transport - 1510 UAH
- trade, food service, logistics, sales - 1482 UAH
- housing and utilities, non-productive types of consumer services- 1650 UAH
- health, physical education, social security - 1910 UAH
- education -2367 UAH
- culture and arts - 1830 UAH
- finance, credit, insurance - 2650 UAH
The total amount of industrial production - 551,3 million UAH
Gross agricultural production -14,5 m. UAH (Livestock)
Investments in fixed assets - 77,2 m. UAH
Retail sales - 70,0 m. UAH
The amount of paid services to the population - 100,0 m. UAH
Land tax rates:
Min. - 39,10 UAH/m2
Average - 35,40 UAH/m2
Max. - 39,10 UAH/m2
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