Invest in Lviv Region

Industry and agriculture


Industry of the Lviv region


There are 3 industrial areas in Lviv region

  • Lviv — mechine building, food and light industry.



  • Chervonograd — coal maining and light industry;
  • Sokal’ - chemical industry;
  • Dobrotvir - electric power industry


  • Drogobych - mechine building, woodworking and light industry;
  • Sambir - food industry, mechanical engineering, woodworking and light industry;
  • Stryi - mechanical engineering, food and woodworking industries, gas transportation industry, major regional transport hub;
  • Boryslav - oil processing, light and chemical industry.

Industry Structure of the Lviv region

Agroindustrial complex

Agroindustrial complex of the Lviv region is a multifield formation. In its structure there are formed specialized complexes.


Plant groving 61%


Livestock farming 39%

  • Grain production;
  • Sugar beet planting;
  • Processing of fruits and vegetables
  • Meat industry
  • Milk industry
  • Poultry industry
The complex has developed areas of production and non-production service. It consists of various manufacturers of food and raw materials for food and light industries



the region’s territory is occupied by the agricultural lands, including:

  • 69 % - arable land
  • 29 % - hayfields and pastures
  • 2% - perennial plantations


Major industries in the districts



  © "Invest In Lviv Region" Team
