Invest in Lviv Region

Science and Education


Education in Lviv region

In Lviv region it is possible to pursue higher education in 44 independent institutions of I-IV accreditation levels.

 12 universities

 6 academies

 4 institutes

 13 colleges

 3 technical schools

 6 specialized schools

In 2012/2013 educated 146.4 ths. students

In 2012 337.2 ths. of young professionals graduated from higher educational institutions


In 2012 certified masters become 8 ths. of new graduates, specialists - 12.3 ths., bachelors - 7.6 ths. and junior specialists - 9.3 ths.

In 2012 the biggest number of graduates received higher education in economics -10.5ths. in engineering disciplines - 7,4 ths. , in law - 2.8 ths., 1.8 ths. - in sphere of education, and 2 ths. - in medicine.



More than 11,5 ths. of scientists
Lviv region occupies the third place among other Ukraine’s regions by the number of scientists after Kyiv and Kharkiv region

26 scientific and research academic institutions

More than 200 scientific and industrial research and development institutions


Priority directions of scientific activities:

  • The creation of resource-saving, energy-saving and environmentally safe technologies of energetic, instrumentl and machinery construction;
  • Biotechnology and molecular biology developments;
  • Information systems development and introduction;
  • Increasing oil and gas recovery factors on Subcarpathian deposits;
  • Management and environmental regulation of regional development;
  • Rational use and protection of natural resources in the Carpatians, river basins of Dniester, Zakhidnyy Bug and Tysa.



  © "Invest In Lviv Region" Team

