Busk district
Administrative division

Administrative centre - Busk city
83 settlements, including:
1 city
2 urban-type villages
80 villages
1 city council
2 councils of urban-type villages
24 village councils

Total population amounts 48,574 th.people,
66,3 % - rural population
Population density - 58 people/ km2
Structure of the district industry:
- 47% - food trade
- 30% - manufacturing of furniture
- 22% - production of cars and accssories
- 1% - manufacturing of wood products

There functioning such educational institutions in the dictrict:
- 44 secondary institutions of which:
- 12 institutions of І level of accreditation. (176 pupils),
- 16 institutions of І-ІІ levels od accreditation. (1003 pupils),
- 15 institutions of І-ІІІ (3855 pupils)
- 1 educational complex ( Y. Petrushevych secondary school of I level of accreditation at LNU of I.Franko (303 pupils)
- 13 pre-schools (787 children)
Natural resource potential
Tourism and recreation
Total area of the disrict - 856 km²
Land resources
- Agricultural lands - 57,752 hа, of which: agricultural grounds - 56,787 ha, the other agricultural lands - 0,965 ha,
- Built-up lands - 3,735 ha
- Water resources – 2,016 ha
Forests - 21,570 ha (25,3% of the territories)
Fertile soils - black (20 %), dark grey ashed (18 %)
Minerals – sand, clay, mineral waters
Construction sand – Voluykivsky deposit (15 m. m3)
Clay – Busk deposit ( reserve – 3550 m3), Kupche deposit ( запас -1,5 m. m3), Andriyivka ( reserve - 212 th. m3), Kizlivka deposit ( reserve – 178 th. m3), Sokolivka deposit ( reserve – 242 th. m3), Zadviria deposit ( reserve – 151 th. m3), Hutysko – Turianske deposit ( reserve – 164 th. m3)
Mineral waters
- Myliatynska
- Oleska
- Kutkirska
- Sokolivska
Architectural sites
- Olesko Castle
- St. Paraskeva Church, Busk city
- Church of St. Onuphrius, Busk city
- Monastery of Capuchin Order with cells (Olesko)
- St. Michael’s Church (1697) and Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary (in Kuty village).
The average salary per month
The main indicators of economic development

In the district - 2046 UAH
According to economic spheres:
- industry - 2470 UAH;
- agriculture -3800 UAH;
- transport - 1500 UAH;
- trade, food service, logistics, sale - 1180 UAH;
- housing and utilities, non-productive types of consumer services - 1155 UAH;
- healthcare,physical education, social security -1800 UAH;
- education - 2000 UAH;
- culture and arts - 2200 UAH;
- finance, credit, insurance - 2100 UAH.
Total amount of industrial production - 332,5 m. UAH
Gross agricultural production - 407,8 m. UAH, of which:
Crop production - 244,1 m. UAH
Livestock production - 163,7 m. UAH
Food service - 1662,3 th. UAH
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