Invest in Lviv Region

Zhydachiv district



Zhydachiv district

Administrative division


 Administrative centre – Zhydachiv city

118 settlements, including:

2 cities (Zhydachiv, Khodoriv)

113 villages

3 urban-type villages


2 city councils

3 councils of urban-type villages

28 village councils




      The total population is 70.451 th. people


urban population - 29,6 th. people

rural population - 40,9 th. people


Men - 32.961 th.  people

Women - 37.490 th.  people


Officially registered level of

unemployment - 1 219 people





 Pulp and paper, food processing and production of non-metallic products are among the leading industries of the area. Major part of the industry is concentrated on urban areas of  Zhydachiv, Khodoriv and Hnizdychiv.


       There are functioining 75 secondary schools, of which:

  • 17 secondary school of I-III levels of accreditation
  • 31 Secondary School of  l-II levels of accreditation
  • 15 secondary school of I level  of accreditation
  • 1 High School
  • 26 pre-schools, 10 of which are of "School-kindergarten" type, and also
  • Zhidachiv vocational college, Khodoriv Branch of Technical College at National University "Lviv Polytechnic"


Naural resource potential

Tourism and recreation 




The total area of ​​the district - 99.595 ha


Land resources

Agricultural lands - 69.6 ha, of which agricultural grounds  - 67.7 hectares, the other  agricultural lands - 1.9 hectares,

Built-up lands - 6.1 hectares, and others.

Water resources - 2,975 ha

Forests - 19.3 ha



  • springs of mineral water
  • natural sulfur
  • glauconite, limestone, gypsum
  • dioxide, clay for construction, gravel, sandstone, peat


There  are such architectural monuments on the territory of the district:
  • Palace of Czartoryski (in Zhuravno)
  • Kohavynsky Nunnery
  • Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky Museum (Department of Lviv Art Gallery) (Ruda village)
  • Museum of Piatnychany Tower (Department of Lviv Art Gallery) (Piatnychany  village)

The average salary per month

The main indicators of economic development 


In the district:  2255.07 UAH



industry – 2850.6 UAH

agriculture – 2280.0 UAH



Total amount of industrial production – 943.2 million UAH

Gross agricultural production - 476.4 million UAH, including:

Crop production - 279.8 million UAH 

Livestock products - 196,6 million UAH 

Investments in fixed assets - 231.8 million UAH 

Retail trade 126.9 - million UAH 

Catering industry - 1.1 million UAH 

The anount of paid services provided to the population - 10.4 million UAH 


Land tax rates:

Maximum - 1.11 ₴/m2

Avegage  - 0.70 ₴/m2

Minimum - 0.29 ₴/m2





  © Команда "Invest In Lviv Region"