Staryi Sambir district
Administrative division

Administrative centre - Staryi Sambir city
115 settlements, including:
3 cities (Staryi Sambir, Dobromyl, Khyriv)
2 urban-type villages
110 villages
3 city councils
2 councils of urban-type villages
39 village councils
Total population of the district is 78.184 th.people,
urban population – 14.811 th.people
rural population – 63.37 th.people
Population density - 63 /km2

Industry specialization of the district:
- mining and quarrying– 4.2 %
- processing industry – 40.5% (manufacture of textiles and wearing apparel – 1.4%, manufacture of machinery – 27.7 %; manufacture of wood and products of wood –5.3 %; manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (building materials) – 5.3%; manufacture of cellulose and paper – 0.2%; other industries – 0.6%
- generation and distribution of electricity, gas and water – 55.3%
In the district are functioning such educational institutions:
89 secondary schools
16 pre-schools
7 educational complexes
Technical education in the district is provided by:
- Nyzhankovychi vocational lyceum
- Dobromyl vocational lyceum
Natural resource potential
Tourism and recreation
Total area of the district - 124,5 ha
Land resources
- Agricultural land - 59,3 ha, of which agricultural grounds - 57,8 ha, other agricultural land - 1,5 ha
- Built-up land - 3,9 ha
- Water resources – 1,7 ha
- Forests - 57,4 ha
Subsoil of the district is rich in different minerals such as clay, sand, gravel, stone, limestone. There are deposits of oil in the district.
Deposits of salt are located near Solyanuvatka and Stara Sil villages.
Purpose of the land of PJSC "Starosambirskyi quarry" is development of sand and gravel mixture. The area of the land amounts 164 hectares.
The purpose of the land of "Slohynivskyi brickyard" Ltd. is clay mining. The area of the land amounts 5.10 hectares.
The district is rich in reserves of therapeutic mineral waters that are not being used. Mineral water sources were discovered by Lviv geological expedition near village Smerichka. In 1993 Odessa Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Resort Studies conducted chemical analysis of the water near Smerichka village.
Tourist sites:
1 regional landscape park
1 forest reserve
10 monuments of nature
4 reserve tracts
3 parks - monuments of landscape art
The average salary per month
The main indicators of economic development

In the district -2136.07 UAH
According to the types of economic activities:
- Industry - 1590 UAH;
- Agriculture - 1212 UAH;
- Housing and utilities, non-productive types of consumer services - 1920 UAH;
- Health care, physical education, social security - 1970 UAH;
- Education - 2130 UAH;
- Culture and Arts - 2219 UAH;
Volume of industrial production – 45.6 million UAH
Gross agricultural production – 319.765 million UAH з них:
- Crop production - 166.051 million UAH
- Livestock production – 153.714 million UAH
Investments in fixed assets – 14.7 million UAH
Retail sales – 197.9 million UAH
Food service – 0.3 million UAH
Volume of paid services provided to the population – 2.9 million UAH
Land tax rates
Maximum – 0.0888 UAH/m2
Average – 0.0444 UAH/m2
Minimum – 0,0004 UAH/m2
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