Administrative division

Administrative centre – Brody city
103 settlements, including:
1 city
1 urban-type village
101 villages
1 city counil
1 council of urban-type village
23 village councils
General population amounts 60,2 th.people
Urban population - 25,9 th.people
Rural population - 34,3 th.people

The production of automobile accessories dominates in industrial sector (LLC“Leoni”). Also woodworking, wood products manufacturing and foods production take an important place in the district.
An extended network of restaurant and trade business is well-developed in the district of Brody.

There are functioning such educationl institutions in the district:
56 secondary schools
Ivan Trush gymnasia of Brody
M. Shashkevych pedagogical college of Brody
Natural resource potential
Tourism and recreation
General area of the disrict - 1162 km²
Woods - 36 % of the teritory
The deposits of non-energy materials are exploited in the district:
- Clay ( Pidgirtsi village of Brody district, the amount of proven reserves - 140.0 th. m3
- Sand (Brody, the amount of proven reserves - 251.8 thousand th. m3)
Agricultural lands comprise 63.4 ha (59.5%) of the district territory,
13 agricultural LLC,
21 farms.
Under their use are 67.2 thousand ha of agricultural lands, including:
42.5 ha of arable lands,
1.0 ha of perennial plants,
11.3 ha of hay,
12.2 th. ha of pastures.
There is a number of distinguished architectural sites on the territory of the district:
- Pidhirtsi Castle
- The defensive monastery in village of Pidkamin'
- Koniecpolski Castle dating back to XVII century
- St. Joseph Church of mid XVIII century
- Nunnery of Basilian Order (XVIII cent.) in Pidhirtsi;
- Monastery of Dominicans (XV-XVIII cent.) in Pidkamin'
There are 3 protected areas of state significance in the district:
- Park of Pidhirtsi (17 ha);
- «Leshnivskyi» reserve (58 ha, 14 units of natural reserve fund);
National park "Northern Podolia" (15,59 th. ha)
The average salary per month
The main indicators of economic development
In the district - 2446,64 UAH
Land tax rates
Max. - 153,7 UAH /m2
Average - 104,8 UAH /m2
Min. - 46,14 UAH /m2
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