Sokal district
Administrative division

Administrative centre - Sokal city
106 settlements, including:
4 cities (Sokal, Belz, Velyki Mosty, Uhniv)
1 urban-type village
101 villages
4 city councils
1 council of urban-type village
32 village councils
Total population of the district is
93,1 th.people (3.7% population of the region),
urban population – 34.6 th.people
rural population – 58,5 th.people
Population density - 59,3 people/km2

Industry specialization of the district:
- manufacture of textiles, textile products, wearing apparel
- production of of abrasive materials
- manufacture of machinery and equipment
- manufacture of wood and furniture
In the district are functioning such educational institutions:
1 gymnasium
66 secondary schools
38 pre-schools
15 educational complexes (school-kindergarten)
6 non-school educational institutions
For the purpose of implementation of the vocational education there are new types of educational institutions (Oleg Romaniv gymnasium of Sokal, Sokal educational complex «Secondary school №3 of I-III levels of accreditation-collegium»,etc.)
Technical education in the district provide:
Sokal vocational lyceum;
State educational institution "Agrarian and construction lyceum of Uhniv" and its branch in Belz city
Natural resource potential
Tourism and recreation
Total area of the district - 157,011 ha
Land resources
- Agricultural land – 107,374 ha, of which agricultural grounds – 104,995 ha, other agricultural land – 2,379 ha
Built-up land - 7,016 ha
Water resources – 4,395 ha
Forests - 36,0 ha
• coal
• peat (floodplains of Solokiya and Bolotnya)
• natural gas (Kulychkiv village)
• clay
• sand
Architectural sites:
• Ensemble of Bernardine monastery (XVII cent.): Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, monastery cells, defensive walls;Zhvyrka village
• Church of St. Nicholas (XVI cent.), Sokal city park
• Pototsky Manor (XIX cent.)
• Church of Archangel Michael (1603), Tartakiv village
• Assumption Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1642, 1695), Ugniv city
• Wooden church (1683), Vaniv village
• Pototsky Palace (1691), Chervonograd city
The average salary per month
The main indicators of economic development

In the district - 3492,92 UAH
According to the types of economic activities:
- Industry - UAH
- Agriculture - UAH
- Transport - UAH
- Trade, food service, logistics, sales - UAH
- Housing and utilities, non-productive types of consumer services - UAH
- Health care, physical education, social security - UAH
- Education - UAH
- Culture and Arts - UAH
- Finance, credit, insurance - UAH
Volume of industrial production - 1022 million UAH
Gross agricultural production - 807,5 million UAH, including:
Crop production - 511,2 million UAH
Livestock production - 296,3 million UAH
Investments in fixed assets - 124,3 million UAH
Retail sales - 242 million UAH
Food service - 5,9 million UAH
The volume of paid services provided to the population - 22,9 million UAH
Land tax rates
Maximum – UAH/m2
Average – UAH/m2
Minimum – UAH/m2
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